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Published: January 24, 2022
Switch to vegan pet food

Are you planning to feed your dog or cat vegan food? We think that's a very good idea. In this blog you can read why we think so and what you should pay attention to when switching. Curious about what we have to say? Then read on quickly.

Switch to vegetarian or vegan pet food

Why switch?

Approximately 2,7 million cats and 1,6 million dogs live in the Netherlands. If all these dogs and cats are fed a diet of animal products, this has two major drawbacks:

1. The products come from animals that often had a very short and miserable life in livestock farming.

2. Secondly, the impact of animal products on the environment is much greater than that of plant products.

In other words: When dogs and cats eat plant-based, other animals do not have to suffer and the environment is less burdened. 

Complete food for your dog or cat

The following question may come to mind if you are hesitating to switch: 'A vegetable food for a dog or cat, is that possible ?!'  Then our answer is: 'Yes, that's possible!'. Nowadays there is even so much choice on the market that your beloved four-legged friend can choose for himself which one he or she likes best. The only thing you have to pay attention to is that the food complete is. A complete diet means that it contains all the nutrients a dog or cat needs for a long and healthy life. All the dry and wet food we sell is complete.

Just like you, we do not want your animal to be short of anything. It is precisely because of our love for (all) animals that we have chosen to sell vegetable food. 

Plant-based food is animal-friendly, healthy, sustainable and delicious!

Switch to vegan or vegetarian pet food

What should I pay attention to when switching?

Whenever you switch from one diet to another, it is recommended to do so gradually. Usually it is no problem at all to switch in one go, but some dogs can be sensitive to changes in diet. Doing it gradually minimizes the chance of sensitive reactions. We have a special transfer instructions to animal feed. If you want your dog to choose which kibble he or she likes best, we also have the starter packs or loose test bags available. This is of course extra useful for a fussy eater. Before you buy a whole bag, the dog can choose which one he wants.