In this blog, we will explain how you can subscribe to VegaVriend and the benefits it offers. Read on!
The Benefits of a Subscription to VegaVriend
🌟 Never worry about when to order again: it’s all automatic!
🌟 Choose how often you want to receive your favorite product(s)
🌟 Adjust your subscription yourself in ‘My Account’
🌟 Earn double Reward points!
How do you subscribe to VegaVriend?
Subscribing to VegaVriend is very simple! Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the product page of the item you want to subscribe to.
Step 2: Choose the correct weight or variant if necessary.
Step 3: Click on the ‘Subscribe’ button.
Step 4: Choose how often you want to receive the product.
Step 5: Click on ‘Register now’. The product is now in your shopping cart.
Want to add more products to the same subscription? Simply repeat the steps above for all products. NOTE: Make sure to choose the same frequency for each product. Otherwise, you’ll end up subscribing to multiple subscriptions at once.
Step 6: Have you added all the products to your shopping cart? Then proceed to checkout. The checkout process is the same as usual. Paid? Congratulations! You’ve successfully subscribed to VegaVriend🥳.
NOTE: Your first order will be shipped immediately. After that, the same order will be repeated every few weeks, depending on the frequency you’ve chosen. So, make sure to subscribe only when you actually need your first order!
Managing Your VegaVriend Subscription
Step 1: Go to ‘My Account’
Step 2: Click on ‘Subscriptions’ on the left side of the page. Here, you’ll find your subscriptions.
Click on ‘Cancel’ if you want to completely stop your subscription.
Click on ‘Suspend’ if you want to temporarily pause your subscription. You can choose when you’d like your subscription to resume. This is handy if, for example, you have more food left than expected and want to skip a week.
Change Address
Click on ‘Change Address’ if you need your order to be shipped to a different address than the one we have on file.
Renew Now
Click on ‘Renew Now’ if you want to bring your order forward. For example, if you’re running low on products for the month. Afterward, your subscription will continue as usual.
Adjusting Your Subscription
Does your dog or cat not enjoy one of the products as much as you hoped? No problem! You can easily remove products from your subscription by clicking on the cross next to the product.
Soon, you’ll also be able to add products to your subscription and adjust quantities. Stay tuned!
Got any questions after reading this blog? No problem! Feel free to reach out to us.
No questions? What are you waiting for?! Subscribe to your first VegaVriend plan and discover the benefits! 🙂