VegePup: Safe Home Cooking for your Puppy
Note: VegePup is intended solely as a supplement for home-prepared meals. DO NOT add the supplement to regular commercial food that is already complete. Use the supplement according to the recommended dosage based on your dog’s weight or follow the instructions in the recipes. Modifications to recipes may lead to nutrient deficiencies or excesses.
Suitable for puppies and nursing mothers.
Feed Your Puppy Freshly Prepared Meals for Superior Health!
Dogs are omnivores, but achieving the right nutritional balance in a home-prepared diet is not easy, especially for a growing puppy. Fortunately, VegePup makes it quite simple. Add this vitamin, mineral, and amino acid blend to high-protein plant-based food using the VegePup recipes in the recipe brochure included with your supplement, and you’ll have properly supplemented plant-based meals your puppy will love and thrive on. The VegePup supplement is designed for use with VegePup recipes. A recipe brochure is included with the product. You can also find recipes at
Read the introductory section of the recipe brochure thoroughly before preparing meals. Recipes specify the required amount of supplement per recipe. You may adjust the amount of food you prepare by proportionally increasing or decreasing all ingredients in the recipe. If you create your own recipes closely based on ours, divide the daily serving size between meals. It is best to mix the supplement into warm prepared food. If you modify our recipes, substitute only legumes for legumes or grains for grains, and be mindful of the protein content in your puppy’s diet. Puppies and pregnant or nursing dogs require approximately 30% protein in their diet. You may add a variety of fresh vegetables to our recipes, but they should make up no more than 10% of the diet. Adding too many vegetables may reduce calorie density, protein levels, and fat content.
EFAs are especially important during growth. The specific oils and flax ingredients in our recipes provide EFAs in the correct ratio, but we highly recommend adding an algae oil to your puppy’s diet to provide DHA and EPA. If you use algae oil, you can replace the flax oil in our recipes with it.
Our puppy recipes no longer require food yeast for B vitamins, but we have retained the ingredient in recipes to maintain ideal calorie and nutrient density. Nutritional yeast or our VegeYeast, a modified brewer’s yeast (NOT active baker’s yeast), is a wonderful ingredient for adding flavor, protein, and extra nutrients to food. Additionally, our VegeYeast is modified for acidity, making it a good counterbalance to the alkalinity of a plant-based diet. Using VegeYeast helps prevent urine from becoming too alkaline, which can lead to urinary issues. If you do not use food yeast in your recipes, the food will contain fewer calories per cup than estimated, and the protein content of the recipes will be slightly lower. If your recipes have fewer calories per cup, you may need to introduce an extra meal per day to ensure your puppy gets enough calories for optimal health. Consult your vet or use a calorie calculator to determine the correct calorie intake. Our recipes provide an approximate calorie count per cup.
In addition to algae oil and VegeYeast, you can add a lactose-free digestive enzyme to meals to support digestion and improve nutrient absorption. We recommend Enzyme Miracle. Puppies do not chew their food much, so blending or mashing ingredients such as beans and rice can also aid digestion.
You can find additional recipes using the VegePup supplement in Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (4th edition). Since the volume of VegePup has changed since the book’s first printing, serving size modifications are necessary for the growth (VegePup) recipes in the book. See the following webpage for adjusted amounts, or add the supplement daily based on the daily serving size chart:
Alternatively, you can add 1 tablespoon (16g) of VegePup for every 1000 calories.
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