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Gepubliceerd: augustus 22, 2024
How to Transition Your Dog to a Plant-Based Diet

Are you considering transitioning your dog to a plant-based diet but unsure how to do it safely? Or perhaps you’re ready to move from kibble to a fresh, home-cooked plant-based meal but hesitate to make the switch? This in-depth article, written by a CMA-registered canine nutritionist, will walk you through the process, ensuring your dog transitions smoothly and safely. Plus, you’ll learn the common mistakes to avoid during this dietary change.

How to Transition Your Dog to a Plant-Based Diet: A Complete Guide |

The Importance of a Gradual Transition

Changing your dog’s diet, whether it’s from kibble to fresh food or from a meat-based to a plant-based diet, should always be done gradually. Your dog’s body, digestive system, and gut microbiome need time to adapt. A sudden change can lead to digestive upset, so patience is key.

The method outlined here, developed by a CMA-registered plant-based canine nutritionist, is suitable for various transitions, including:

  • Moving from plant-based kibble to fresh plant-based food.
  • Switching from meat-based kibble to plant-based kibble.
  • Transitioning from a meat-based diet to fresh plant-based meals.
  • Changing from a raw meat diet (BARF) to either plant-based kibble or fresh plant-based food.

Step 1: Introducing Plant-Based Ingredients

If your dog currently eats processed kibble or canned food (including vegan options), start by introducing small amounts of fresh vegetables and legumes into their existing diet. Here’s how:

  • Days 1-7: Add 25% raw or lightly cooked vegetables (like carrots or spinach) and legumes (such as mashed kidney beans or chickpeas) to your dog’s regular food. Rotate a variety of vegetables and legumes to introduce different flavors and allow your dog’s gut to adjust.

It’s common for dogs to experience flatulence, vomiting, or diarrhea during this phase. These symptoms usually subside within a week as your dog’s gut microbiota adapts. Monitor for any signs of allergies, such as itching, prolonged diarrhea, or unusual behavior, and consult a veterinarian if these persist beyond seven days.

Step 2: Gradually Reducing the Old Diet

  • Days 8-18: If your dog is tolerating the new ingredients well, gradually decrease the old food by 10% daily, replacing it with more fresh vegetables, legumes, and fruits. Remember to soak whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes for 8-12 hours before cooking to remove anti-nutrients that could hinder nutrient absorption.

    Fruits are also essential in a balanced plant-based diet. Introduce one type of fruit per meal, such as apples or blueberries, and vary the fruits offered to broaden your dog’s palate.

Step 3: Fully Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet

Once your dog is fully transitioned to fresh, plant-based ingredients, the focus shifts to ensuring their meals are nutritionally balanced. Research shows that dogs don’t require specific ingredients like meat but rather specific nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Properly formulated vegan supplements and plant-based foods can provide these nutrients as effectively as animal-based diets.

A balanced plant-based diet can meet all of your dog’s nutritional needs without the health risks associated with high animal protein intake. For detailed guidance on creating a nutrient-complete and balanced plant-based diet, you can download a free guide here, available in multiple languages.

Special Considerations for Dogs with Health Issues

If your dog has specific health conditions like renal failure, diabetes, or digestive issues, it’s crucial to tailor their diet to manage these concerns. A CMA-registered canine nutritionist can help you design a plant-based diet that meets your dog’s unique needs while controlling their symptoms and preventing further health issues. For professional guidance, book a consultation here.

What to Expect During the Transition

It’s normal for your dog to experience diarrhea during the transition, but it should resolve within a few days. Always ensure your dog has access to fresh, filtered water. When preparing vegetables, use clean, salt-free water, and avoid overcooking to preserve nutrients. Cut fruits and vegetables into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking, especially if your dog tends to gulp down food.

Transitioning to Plant-Based Kibble or Canned Food

For those switching from meat-based kibble to plant-based kibble:

  • Days 1-7: Mix 25% of the new plant-based food with the old kibble to help your dog adjust to the new taste and ingredients.
  • Days 8-18: Gradually reduce the old kibble while increasing the new food.

Processed diets can lead to low diversity in your dog’s gut microbiome, which might cause longer transition symptoms. Adding fresh ingredients supports a healthier balance in the gut, reducing the risk of future health problems.

The Science Behind Plant-Based Nutrition for Dogs

According to research, dogs don’t need meat but specific nutrients. Well-formulated plant-based diets can provide all the necessary nutrients in the right quality and quantity. Transitioning to such a diet not only meets nutritional needs but can also prevent chronic conditions linked to high animal protein intake.

For more information, resources, and expert advice on plant-based canine nutrition, visit The Vegan Dog Coach.

Claire Lucie Sonck
The science of plant-based nutrition for dogs
Certified, CMA-registered canine nutritionist; 
Founder The Vegan Dog Coach;

Instagram : @thevegandogcoach   
Contact : [email protected]

About the author

Claire Lucie is a UK-certified canine nutrition coach, founder of The Vegan Dog Coach, and a member of the prestigious Complementary Medical Association. Her mission is to improve the health and longevity of 100 million dogs worldwide by promoting a plant-based diet, based on the latest insights in nutrition and canine health. Over the past two years, she has dedicated her life to studying more than 250 scientific studies on the impact of nutrition on the health and longevity of dogs!

Visit for free resources, consultation, and professional guidance in plant-based canine nutrition, inspiring testimony from plant-based dogs and vets, free recipes, and all the science behind your dog’s plant-based diet and nutrition. 


This material is intended for educational purposes only. No information in this present article, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct veterinary advice from your veterinarian or other qualified canine health professional.

The vegan dog coach, Claire Lucie Sonck, VegaVriend, and their respective employees or collaborators cannot be held liable for any losses, injuries, or damages resulting from the use of any information contained in the present article.