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Published: April 23, 2024
Switching to new dog food? That's how you do that!

Are you about to switch to new dog food, but are you unsure how best to approach this? Don't worry, VegaVriend is ready to help you with enthusiasm!

This is how you switch

Although dogs are known to be creatures of habit, most will welcome the new kibble without any problem. But what if your four-legged friend is picky or has sensitive intestines? In that case, we do not recommend switching to the new dog food all at once. Here are some options to make the transition smooth:

Option 1: Switch gradually
Take your time and introduce the new dog food step by step! Replace the old food by gradually mixing in more and more new kibble. For example like this:

Is it going too fast? Take a little longer by making the steps smaller!

Option 2: Make it a party
Do you no longer have the old food at home? Then add something tasty to the new dog food. Choose something that your dog finds very special, which makes the kibble extra tasty. Nutritional yeast, vegetable oil, peanut butter, you name it!

Start with 1 teaspoon for every cup of plant-based chunks. Then gradually reduce the amount of extras over the next two weeks. After that, it will no longer be necessary to add anything and your pet will officially eat a plant-based diet! Double party!

Additional tips

• Purchase a sample package to see which kibble is most suitable for your four-legged friend! Are you stuck? We are ready for you.
• Do you prefer to cook fresh for your dog? Then is this book maybe something for you!
• Are you unsure whether your dog can actually eat vegan? read this blog .
• Why should you choose vegetarian pet food? We'll explain that here from.
• Looking for vegan snacks for your dog? You'll find it here!
• Will your cat also switch to new kibble? Look here!