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Wide choice of assortment

100% Vegan

9.6 average rating!

Vegan since: August 2022
Age: 3 years
Favorite snack:

VegDog Jerkeys

Tito is the fastest in the park

”Tito eats vegan because we are conscious about the environment and the other animals.

Tito is as energetic and healthy as he has always been after starting a vegan diet. He's the fastest in the park and he's as cheerful and loving as ever. Wet food is his favorite and we alternate different flavors of food which he loves. He's eating now VegDog Farmer's Crunch en VegDog Green Crunch chunks, mixed with Amy Dog en benevo wet food.

Fun fact about Tito: He is very good at solving dog puzzles.” – Stefan


Written in August 2023