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Published: February 04, 2022
How can I make vegan dog biscuits myself?

How much fun is it to bake your own cookies? The smell of freshly baked cookies… mmm! Did you know that you can also bake cookies for your dog yourself? Nowadays there are many delicious recipes with which you can make vegan dog biscuits. You can find one of those recipes in the book Dog.Eat.Plant.
In addition to cookies, you can also make all kinds of vegan snacks for your dog yourself. Have you become curious about the benefits of making snacks or cookies yourself? Do you want tips for fun recipes? Then read on quickly.

Why make vegan dog biscuits yourself?

If you make snacks yourself, you know exactly what goes in and the snacks or cookies are super fresh, which is of course extra tasty. Because you make it yourself, you can make something special that your dog likes! For example, some dogs prefer peanut butter, others carrots. One likes sweet snacks and the other prefers a savory taste. If you make cookies yourself, you can make exactly the cookies your dog likes!

Another reason to get started for your dog yourself is when there is something to celebrate and you want to put your dog in the spotlight. For example, on his birthday you can have a vegan birthday cake make it, how nice is that!

Recipes to make

Have you become curious about what you can make for your dog? We have listed a few sample recipes below:

Healthy and tasty for both:
Almond coconut balls: Only two ingredients, easy to make and you can enjoy it together. So win win!

Good for your dog:
Woof Hearts – Dog biscuits in the shape of a heart. The cookies to show how much you love your friend.

If your dog is a real vegetable lover, these cookies are highly recommended:
Pumpkin dog biscuits en
Dog biscuits with carrot : These cookies have only four ingredients and are easy to make.

In addition to cookies, other snacks are also available. For example, this recipe was developed by Leni Lecker herself, the founder of Vegan4Dogs. The recipe is called 'Leni Lecker's dog sausage'.

Another option are the healthy and crunchy muesli bars with VegDog Green Crunch.

Even during the holidays, your dog can enjoy the freshly baked kruidnoten from Dog.Eat.Plant! The recipe is by Maartje Borst and Lisette Kreischer and is called Peppery Paws.

On the hot days you can also make ice cream with the easy Smoofl ice cream mixes!