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Published: November 17, 2021
5 Problems Vegan Dog Food Offers a Solution!

In addition to the 5 benefits of Vegan Dog Food mentioned in the other blog, there are also 5 problems that Vegan Dog Food offers a solution for!

1. Itching / Allergy

Did you know that there are dogs with allergy to animal proteins? Such an allergy can manifest itself in various forms, including itching. It is often not known which proteins they are allergic to. When you give Vegan Dog Food to these dogs, you can be sure that they are no longer ingesting animal proteins. Vegan Dog Food is therefore a solution for these dogs!  

We have already heard from several people that Vegan Dog Food has ensured that their dog is finally rid of (most) itching and that the skin is restored, for example read the experiences of Lulu, Jeep en Latex.

2. Overweight / Underweight

Being overweight is a common problem in dogs. Now movement is en moderate snacking is of course 1 thing, but a healthy good vegan diet is also a good guideline for an ideal weight for your dog. There are already several stories of dogs that have reached (and remained) a perfect weight because they have started eating Vegan, see the experience of Leonie. This also applies to dogs that were underweight and are now back to a perfect weight with vegan food, such as charlotje en Pepper.

3. Bad Condition

Some dogs are in poor condition at the time of adoption. There are several stories known of dogs that have completely recovered with vegan food. The dogs are fit and with Django even his heart murmur has disappeared! Also read the experiences of Pili, Spring en Wodan. All three had a difficult past and now completely fit again with vegan food!

4. Bad bowel movements

No one wants a bad bowel movement, including dogs. Healthy bowel movements are very important. If your dog has a hard time pooping, plant-based foods can help improve bowel movements. This is because plant-based foods contain more fiber.

Fibers work both ways. Not only do they ensure that your dog has a smooth stool, but fiber also absorbs moisture when there is too much of it. In case of Gaston he got rid of his diarrhea by switching to vegan dog food. For Gaston, Vegan Dog Food is a godsend.

(Side Note: The amount of poop says nothing about nutrient absorption. It only says something about the amount of fiber the dog is ingesting.)

5. Dull Coat

The health of the coat is a mirror of the health within. A healthy coat is therefore very important. We know many stories of dogs whose coat has improved much after they have switched to vegan food. These dogs no longer have dull fur! For example, read the experiences of Tyson, Nova, Esmee en Bo